Ok team, the 1st 2 weeks of this 2nd week have been most challenging. Here's what I've go so far day 1/15/36/50 fit test results: switch kicks 30,67,73,73 pwr jacks 20,34,39,41 pwr knee 35/59/70/76 pwr jump 10/20/25/27 globe jump 4/5/6/6 suicide jump 4/6/7/8 push ups* 1/3/4/9 low plank oblique 13/25/25/20 * I still cannot…
Anyone have any input on this product? I've heard mixed reviews. It does have a ridiculous amount of protein with very few carbs. But some of my friends say it makes women fat....what say ye?
What's up with that? I am eating breakfast these days, about 200-350 cal...man am I hungry by 1000...by then I am barely focusing and would like to have snack. Is this what others are experiencing?
Team, I've been training for an upcoming 10K, still I find that by mile 3 or 4 I am winded/tired but my legs are ok (not sore). No asthma or smoking history. Any thoughts? I run pretty slow, maybe a 13 minute mile.
What have you found to be the best pre-work out snack? I find myself hungry by 3:30, try to work out by 5pm.....options???