super hungry if I eat breakfast

What's up with that? I am eating breakfast these days, about 200-350 am I hungry by then I am barely focusing and would like to have snack. Is this what others are experiencing?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i used to have this problem. I would eat like 500 to 700 calorie breakfast and be starving by ten.

    Now I do leangains 18/6 and skip breakfast and do not eat first meal till like 12:30/1:00 pm and I make it just fine.

    I think it has something to do with a certain hormone that eating breakfast releases...check it out on leangains...

    You might want to give IF a shot..
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    The saying, 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day' is overrated.

    I have exactly the same issue. If I don't have breakfast, I can normally last till lunch with no problems. Do what works best for you. It doesn't matter when you eat as long as you are under your calorie goal.
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    You have to eat regular snacks as well as schedule is like this...7am eat breakfast....generally around 430 something hearty like oatmeal....add fruit as well....then by 10 or 10:30 I have a snack....fruit or almonds....then 12 is lunch...about 300-350 calories....then around 2 I have a small snack and then sometimes again at 3 or 4....2 small snacks spread out since there is a bigger gap for me between lunch and supper....then supper is around 6 and is generally around 300-350 calories....then sometimes a snack around 7:30ish....I used to NEVER eat past 7 but if I am going to bed more than 2 hours after the snack, that is how I guage it....

    It depends on how many calories you are allowing yourself per day as well....and make sure you are eating enough calories....
  • i_luv_irs
    i_luv_irs Posts: 30 Member
    I used to have this problem all the time when I ate cold cereal and milk for breakfast. Also if I eat too early. Now I eat a high fiber breakfast of oat bran and pumpkin, plus I eat a little later, when I get to work instead of right away at home. That seems to help. Also I now delay my coffee until I get to work.
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    Also you can get something like chia seeds (I use a chia and flax powder) to add to your cereal and it will help keep you full :)
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    I also had this problem. I adapted to eating at about 10 at work, instead of 7.30 at home. And I pick something high in fibre with some protein. Seems to work.
  • ohtobe140
    I think it's more important to eat how your body wants you to eat not how a study, or a dr. or anyone tells you you should. And, I also think, it is critical that you don't eat anything you don't really enjoy eating. That doesn't mean you eat snickers and pizza all day, but that you do eat things that make you feel better and taste good to you. I know most people probably wouldn't eat most of the stuff I eat, but I like it and it makes me happy. Eat for you and forget the rest of it, in the end, being happy with your choice is what will lead to ultimate success.
  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member
    I've noticed this too - I'm reading replies with interest.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    i used to have this problem. I would eat like 500 to 700 calorie breakfast and be starving by ten.

    Now I do leangains 18/6 and skip breakfast and do not eat first meal till like 12:30/1:00 pm and I make it just fine.

    I think it has something to do with a certain hormone that eating breakfast releases...check it out on leangains...

    You might want to give IF a shot..

    I have noticed this. When I accidentally skip breakfast, I am nowhere near as hungry during the day and can easily meet my caloric goal. I will look into lean gains as well...
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    skipping breakfast was the best thing i ever did to help me lose weight. then i got secondary amenorrhea.
    but yeah.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I have a problem similar induced by eating breakfast. If I eat breakfast (no matter what I eat) around 7-730 when I am going to work, my sugar level ends up dropping around 1030-11am. If I don't eat breakfast, I could probably go all day without my sugar level dropping. If I eat later, around 830-9am, I'm fine. Strange!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    i used to have this problem. I would eat like 500 to 700 calorie breakfast and be starving by ten.

    Now I do leangains 18/6 and skip breakfast and do not eat first meal till like 12:30/1:00 pm and I make it just fine.

    I think it has something to do with a certain hormone that eating breakfast releases...check it out on leangains...

    You might want to give IF a shot..

    ^^ What HE said! I have the same problem ..... even WORSE. If I ate breakfast first thing I would be hungry like the OP at lunch time, but then I would eat again and be okay until about 3 or 4 pm......this is when it got REAL BAD. I would feel like I could eat an entire goat by myself. So hungry wouldnt even cook it, just start biting into it and eating the whole thing on the spot (Bear Grylls Style)

    Yup. Thats how hungry I get at 3-4pm when I eat first thing in the morning. Ive been drinking a ton of coffee in the AM to supress hunger and then dont start my meals until about 11-11:30. Usually allow myself the 8 hour window until 7pm. I havent been starving in the afternoon since I have been doing this.
  • SStrauss79
    SStrauss79 Posts: 124 Member
    I could be because you are not eating enough protein with breakfast. Try eating an egg omelet with veggies and meat and I bet you will see you are feeling fuller longer. However a snack a couple hours after breakfast is a good thing. I used to have this problem all the time, especially when I would eat cereal.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    i used to have this problem. I would eat like 500 to 700 calorie breakfast and be starving by ten.

    Now I do leangains 18/6 and skip breakfast and do not eat first meal till like 12:30/1:00 pm and I make it just fine.

    I think it has something to do with a certain hormone that eating breakfast releases...check it out on leangains...

    You might want to give IF a shot..

    This. I don't eat until after 10-11 am & it helps immensely.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I start work at 10am and take my breakfast to work with me and have it at 10:30 - 11am. Lunch at 2pm, snack at 5pm, dinner at 8 or 9.

    Seems to work for me.

    If I ate breakfast at 8am when I get up I'd need another one by 11am!
  • lpherman01
    lpherman01 Posts: 212 Member
    I have found that a good Greek Yogurt is all I need in the morning, of course along with my coffee. It easily carries me to lunch and I am rarely hungry. 180~190 calories tops gives me a lot of headroom for lunch & dinner.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    So quit eating breakfast... Problem solved. Seriously, there's no reason to eat breakfast if you're not hungry. As another poster mentioned, check out IF. May be just the ticket for you.
  • Caletagirl
    Caletagirl Posts: 47 Member
    I personally cant function without breakfast. I used to only be able to eat a hot breakfast but have slowly got into eating milk/cereal.
    I eat my breakfast at 8am and by 1030 i am hungry. So i have tried to drop my breakfast calorie intake (150 cals) and then have a breakfast bar (100cals) at 10.30. That way I am happily fed and my metabolism is still working as it should :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If you're not hungry at breakfast time, you don't NEED to eat then. Eat when you're hungry.

    I personally wake up every morning like I've been hibernating and haven't had food for months. Everyone is different though. Do what works for you.

    Meal timing won't affect your weight loss.