super hungry if I eat breakfast



  • tino124
    A possible explanation:

    But yeah, I've been IF'ing... best thing I've ever done
  • lucyamason
    I have this problem =) i just skip breakfast =)
  • m8605
    m8605 Posts: 102
    I have noticed this as well and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    A possible explanation:

    But yeah, I've been IF'ing... best thing I've ever done

    Not for nothing, but it seems like a lot of people that post they have been doing IFing for awhile look like that guys picture. Just sayin
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Regardless of what you choose to eat for breakfast, you should realize that the reason you're hungry a few hours after breakfast is because your body is now "started". You've kicked off your metabolism for the day, and it's ready for more a few hours later. My hunger was horrible when I used to eat cereal, but now that I eat a high-protein breakfast, it seems to satisfy me longer. Just make sure you have a moderate snack available if you can't make it to lunchtime.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Find what works best for you. I get the mid-morning hungries as well. When successfully losing weight, I've done it two different ways.

    I lost about 10lbs by skipping breakfast and then eating lunch, dinner, and a midafternoon snack. I did not find that was sustainable long-term for me. Some days I was great and others I would get to lunch and binge.

    I've lost another 12lbs this time by eating every three hours. I have breakfast at 6 or 6:30 AM then a snack at 9:00 AM then lunch at noon, ect.. This seems to be something I can do long term. I don't get starving and I don't binge. My meals are tiny - which can get frustrating if friends/family are going out to eat but I've been able to make it work.

    Everyone is different. Find something that works for you that you can stick with :)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    That use to happen to me, I switched it up and started eating protein. I would eat two sausage patties with a little cheese sprinkled on top. No bread and I was not hungry until lunch. I have always ate breakfast, it was just how I was raised but to each his or her own.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    When I eat chewable food before noon, I just want to eat all day long. I put it down to 12 years of preferring sleeping in instead of getting up an hour early and eating before going to school. Last few years, I've been drinking a Carnation breakfast shake after I am functional and have been good to go until noon/noon-thirty.

    Like others have said, if you don't want to eat that early then don't.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Just listen to your body. There's no need to eat in the morning if you're not hungry. Some days I'm fine with just my coffee and other days I need a little something to quite my rumbling tummy.

  • blancokitty
    blancokitty Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with you
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    You have to eat regular snacks as well as schedule is like this...7am eat breakfast....generally around 430 something hearty like oatmeal....add fruit as well....then by 10 or 10:30 I have a snack....fruit or almonds....then 12 is lunch...about 300-350 calories....then around 2 I have a small snack and then sometimes again at 3 or 4....2 small snacks spread out since there is a bigger gap for me between lunch and supper....then supper is around 6 and is generally around 300-350 calories....then sometimes a snack around 7:30ish....I used to NEVER eat past 7 but if I am going to bed more than 2 hours after the snack, that is how I guage it....

    It depends on how many calories you are allowing yourself per day as well....and make sure you are eating enough calories....

    No, people do not "have to" eat like this or have snacks. I personally do better with just 3 meals a day. IF works for others. There was a time I'd do 2 large meals per day & was happy. Depends on the person. This is working for you, so keep at it.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    I am never hungry first thing, usually because I don't give myself time to wake up I think.

    I usally graze between about 11 and 4/5 then have a dinner about 8. Works for me :)
  • jolenelf
    jolenelf Posts: 27 Member
    I have noticed that how soon I am hungry really depends on WHAT I eat, and I dont just mean the amount calories. If I eat cold cereal and milk I am hungry again in less than two hours. I found that I need to give my body protein in the morning to keep it happy and typically stick to greek yogurt mixed with fresh fruit. Eating this will keep me full until 1:00pm, even through a workout. Try different foods and see what works for you, everybody is different!
  • fourtyandflirty
    I have a Slim Fast shake in the morning 257 calories, go to the gym then around 10 have a snack either fruit or a 100 calorie bar. I have lunch around 12-12;30. I work 4-8 so my hungry time hits in around 6. I either brink a snack, another shake to work or eat a small meal when I get home.
  • wntrbreez
    wntrbreez Posts: 32 Member
    I notice the same problem if I eat a high carb breakfast. If I keep the breakfast on the lower carb side, I don't get hungry until at least lunch time. Supposedly breakfast kick-starts your metabolism so I wouldn't recommend skipping it. If you are eating a bowl of cereal or mostly bread & fruit in the morning, that may be what's causing your too-soon-hunger. For example, for breakfast I generally eat a 3 egg omelet made with 1 whole egg & 2 egg whites with 2 pieces of 100% whole grain toast. It's around 240 calories. If I eat a bowl of cereal & a piece of fruit instead - it's the same calories -but I'm climbing the wall within 2 hours looking for something to eat. I would give a lower carb breakfast a try before deciding to skip that meal.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    If you're not hungry at breakfast time, you don't NEED to eat then. Eat when you're hungry.

    I personally wake up every morning like I've been hibernating and haven't had food for months. Everyone is different though. Do what works for you.

    Meal timing won't affect your weight loss.


    I personally LOVE breakfast. I would eat breakfast foods at lunch and dinner everyday if I could (and sometimes, I do). So I eat breakfast every single morning and still get that mid-morning hunger, so I eat a good snack. I eat my lunch later, like 1:30-2:30 at work but then am usually okay until dinner (sometimes I don't eat until 8 or 9)...

    if you are hungry at 10AM... EAT SOMETHING. ALWAYS EAT IF YOU'RE HUNGRY. Yes, I am a big breakfast supporter and think eating it can only help but if you're just not hungry, grab a banana or something small and keep it with you as an option and have lots of good morning snacks on hand when you do get hungry.

    Don't compare yourself or eating to others - do what works for YOU
  • KatjaO
    KatjaO Posts: 71
    Totally agree with the few PPs, just eat protein and low carb and you are good until lunch, even late lunch.

    Things that help keep me full are cottage cheese with fruit, anything with side of an egg. or eggs in general. Sausage helps too, but that kills you in the calories, sodium, fats etc...

    Things that make me hungry right away no matter how much of that I eat in the morning include: oatmeal, cereals (even with milk), toast, and the worst: pancakes! I must say I am intrigues by the chia seeds and other things people list, maybe those would help with this second list of foods that just make me hungry.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Another vote for "too many carbs in the morning doesn't work for me."

    I finally settled on a standard breakfast several years ago now -- I have a serving of cottage cheese -- full fat, real food cottage cheese. Big wham of protein and fat, and I'm generally good for hours. If I have a bowl of cereal I'm starving before I get to work, and even whole grain oatmeal or peanut butter toast doesn't work as well.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I also have this problem. So my breakfasts are 100-150 calories or less. Usually a piece of fruit. You're not alone.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    It's not just you.

    The days I eat breakfast, I am more prone to cheat because I am starving the rest of the day. If I skip it, I can go until dinner sometimes and be fine.

    Martin Berkhan has an interesting article on "Why Breakfast Makes Me Hungry" Some people it does, some people it doesn't.

    And don''t worry, the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" rule is totally bunk. Just eat when you are hungry and try to hit your goals for the day.