and my waist measurement is still the same? It's weird my shirt is event loose around the stomach and my jeans are fit better.. I feel like lost the fat from lower stomach but my measurement is still the same. Last week my friend told me I don't have double chin any more and today someone I did not see for about 2,3 months…
Even tho I still do weight lifting and eat 1 gram of protein per body weight on the 4th day? and how much muscle mass will I lose? I'm fasting on veg,fruit for religious reason. I don't want to take protein powder unless I have to.
Is there any food I can make to get over this craving.
before decide it does not work out .. and it's time to change the diet. Diet:food & workout
At least from all the posts that I read so far. I don't count calorie. I just eat 5,6 small meals each. I just makes sure I eat 2,3 oz of protein, 1 cup of veggie.each time ..... and each day I have 1 fruit, 1 cup of starch.