Do everyone in this website count calorie?

GetFitBy2010 Posts: 91
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
At least from all the posts that I read so far.
I don't count calorie. I just eat 5,6 small meals each. I just makes sure I eat 2,3 oz of protein, 1 cup of veggie.each time ..... and each day I have 1 fruit, 1 cup of starch.


    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I do.....I've stunned myself by how far off my idea of a serving of certain food it. If I don't measure it and log it, I tend to way overeat.
  • Isaacsmama
    Isaacsmama Posts: 43
    Me too. i was amazed to see how many calories were actually in some of my favorit meals. Even ones I thought were healthy! Trust me, even if you think you are eating healthy, it only takes one questionable food item to put you way, way, overboard. O, and also, a lot of people find out when they start to count that they are actually way under their nutritional needs for the day, which does a lot more damage than you might think. Even if you dont count all the time, take a minut to find the facts on your favorite food. Itll stick with you and help keep you on track.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Im a counting addict now! I count on everything! When i am thinking of something that I might want to eat I will go on here and long it in and see the effect it has on my daily goal and then half the time say nevermind and take it off, I don't want to waist cals on something crappy:)
    i:heart: MFP
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    :bigsmile: Im a counting addict now! I count on everything! When i am thinking of something that I might want to eat I will go on here and long it in and see the effect it has on my daily goal and then half the time say nevermind and take it off, I don't want to waist cals on something crappy:)
    i:heart: MFP

    LOL... I do that too. :laugh: When I started counting calories I was eating around 700-800 a day instead of 1200. :noway:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I count sometimes; food that I don't eat often. I did it requently when I first started mfp, but you will find as you continue that you will know automatically. It's a great skill to have.:happy:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I stunned myself when I realised I was eating more then I should've and I have cut back on my calories significantly and overcame some obstacles in the long run, but now I'm getting to the point where I am feeling fuller for longer periods of time.

    I do count calories even on bad days, it just reminds me not to make it a habit
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    :bigsmile: Im a counting addict now! I count on everything! When i am thinking of something that I might want to eat I will go on here and long it in and see the effect it has on my daily goal and then half the time say nevermind and take it off, I don't want to waist cals on something crappy:)
    i:heart: MFP

    LOL... I do that too. :laugh: When I started counting calories I was eating around 700-800 a day instead of 1200. :noway:

    :tongue: Me too! My goal is 1200 or less, and I never go above a 1000! Counting calories has seriously helped me SO much. :blushing: I can't imagine eating without counting calories anymore - which is quite alright with me. lol
  • amycakes812
    amycakes812 Posts: 441
    Now that I am in maintenance, I have loosened up a little on counting. However, when I was losing, I counted everything 6 days a week...gave myself Sundays as a free day. It worked for me at least, and so far, weight is the same. If I start to see a gain, I will be right back on track counting every little thing. Not trying to sound rude or sarcastic, but, counting your calories is pretty much the point of this site. Just my .02¢. :smile:
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    I do.....I've stunned myself by how far off my idea of a serving of certain food it. If I don't measure it and log it, I tend to way overeat.

    I am the same way. I don't obsess over how many calories are in something, but this site has opened my eyes to how much calories can be in a certain food. I find as long as I log everything, I stay on track, even if I've eaten something with a few extra calories, this keeps me within my limit. :smile:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I count sometimes; food that I don't eat often. I did it frequently when I first started mfp, but you will find as you continue that you will know automatically. It's a great skill to have.:happy:
    Same here.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    While I was losing I counted meticulously. Then after about 6 months I learned enough to not have to physically enter in my numbers any more, which is to say, I still (somewhat subconciously) add up the cals in my head, but I no longer need the site for it (that's a little scary now that I say it out loud).


    GetFit, what you must realize is that counting is one of the reasons for this site. I mean, the site is for becoming more healthy, but one of the main ways we do that is learning to control how much, and the types of food we eat. Exercise is important too, but this site focuses greatly on how many calories and our nutrient intake. So you probably don't need to ask if people on here count calories, I imagine 90 to 95% of the people on here either actively do, or did for a long time. Not to say counting is the only way or anything, it's just one of the focuses of this particular technique.

    Anyway, best luck to you which ever way you decide to do it.
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