Is it just me that has got a massive appetite?
I'm currently on a bulk eating about 4000 calories a day. I train 5 days a week. Even after hitting my daily goals my stomach is still asking for more! How big is your appetite?
What Motivates You?
I like to hit the gym for self confidence and the natural high that I'm rewarded with after giving it my all! So.. what motivates you? Post your responses below :)
For me its not necessarily about losing weight, its more about maintaing my current weight whilst trying to balance my social life which due to the fact I go to university happens to involve a lot of alcohol and takeaway food! So please give me an add! (I've ran out of my allowance for the day) I look forward to hearing…
21 Male: Obsessive about food #Binge
Hello Guys, My name is Tim and I'm a student attending university. I've never had issues with food but ever since starting my diet regime 2 years ago to get a six pack, I was weirdly obsessed and would view video's read book on all different aspects of health every single day.. To cut the long story short... Never did I…
Back Home.. Surrounded by new foods (BINGE EAT)
So I'm back home from university only for the summer. Whilst this is great since the gym is very close by, it has caused me to gain couple pounds due to the fact I'm no longer restricted to the foods that I purchased myself. To put it simply.. I ate nothing but high protein meals whilst at UNI and never did I stock by…
Your views on 'CARBOHYDRATES'
It tends to get frown upon quiet alto, there has also been a claim that too much carbohydrate can be stored as body fat. What are your personal views?
What did you have for BREAKFAST?
I had - Protein Shake 20 Almonds 50g Oatmeal. ...
Sugar Free Recipes (Post Here)
Any recipes?.. feel free to share :)
Do you have an "indulgent" day?
I tend to dine on weekends and so Saturday is usually the day were I can eat whatever and how much I want, I've found that it really kick starts my metabolism and fires it up again. My 'indulgent' day usually consists of plenty of chocolate and chicken. Great combo! lol
What's up guys, my name is Tim and am currently a student attending London university, I'm currently on a cut and so need that extra boost of motivation so give us a add and we can stay connected ... :)
My 'student' Life... far from original!
What's up guys, I'm a student attending university, I've got to say however I'm far off from being the typical baked beans and pot noodles eater, since researching and starting my diet last year I've learnt so much about nutrition health as a topic I find is amazing you can never know too much. Anyways. I recently bought…