My 'student' Life... far from original!

What's up guys, I'm a student attending university, I've got to say however I'm far off from being the typical baked beans and pot noodles eater, since researching and starting my diet last year I've learnt so much about nutrition health as a topic I find is amazing you can never know too much.


I recently bought some scales to find that I've actually haven't gone up in weight since starting bodybuilding last year and so I joined this website to see how much calories I was actually eating. To my suprise it turned out that I was eating way below 1500 due to the fact I wasn't consuming any healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts and so that day I focused on trying to reach my goal of 2500 at first it seemed like a fun task since I've got a good appetite but after 1500 calories I realised that the foods I was consuming (which usually consists of 1kg of veg and plenty of chicken and tuna) was filling me up so much so that I could not eat an another mouthful.

Well anyways.. I did manage to reach that 2500 calorie mark with an aid to some junk food. It really does goes to show the difference in amount of food that you can actually eat if you choose to eat healthily..

Moral of the story.. stay away from crap!