What do you guys do?
Bodymedia Fit or Fitbit?
I'm looking into getting one and can't decide. What are the differences?
How to measure veggies
I have a scale that measures grams and I've been using it, then doing the conversion to ounces on a website. But, I'm not sure if that is correct. How do you guys measure out fresh veggies?
Heavy lifting
What's a good beginner's program for those who want to start strength training?
Grocery Shopping Tomorrow. Snacks, Tips, Etc.
Going out to the grocer tomorrow and looking for a few new things. What are you guys favourite snacks, meals, healthy eating tips?
Couch to 5k
Tomorrow I plan to start the couch to 5k program. Anyone else here, especially those on the larger side (I'm currently a size 12/14) who could share their experiences would be greatly appreciated. I used to LOVE running and competing in marathons/ half marathons with my, now deceased, husband. I gained a good deal of…
High volume, low calorie
I've been getting very hungry around that special time of the month, ravenously hungry actually. I was wondering what others do when the cravings get too much and was also looking for a few suggestions on high volume, low calorie fare.
Exercise habits
So, we're planning an 18.4 mile hike for this upcoming weekend. My body is still a little sore from the 10 miles we did yesterday and that, coupled with my MS, makes me think I should take it easy for a few days to be up for this weekend's adventure. I was wondering about others though. I know my situation is a little…
Exercise bra recommendations
Anyone have any recommendations on a good exercise bra for larger breasts? I'm a 36 F and am looking for something I can work out in that will give me enough support.
New member looking for supports
I'm still pretty new here and looking for friends to help encourage each other. Please add me.
New and looking for others here with MS or in Florida
Was wondering how that affects your diet and exercise and also searching for friends who can help keep each other motivated when we may not be feeling the best. I'm also searching for more fitness pals where I live. I'm in Central Florida.