Changing Tastes
I am curious how many other people's tastes have changed. I used to not be able to eat spicy foods, now I crave them.
Question About Unsupportive "Friends"
Ok, every month I go through and delete people off my friends list who haven't commented even once in over a month. I have a lot of friends and it takes me about 30-45 minutes a night just to read through and offer encouragement, etc. I think it is only fair if I am going to invest my time to support them, they could at…
Progress Friday's
A few of us already weigh in on Friday so I thought we could report our charm progress on Fridays. I hope I am able to get a charm this week!
Just curious about what everyone likes to do in their spare time. I love taking pictures. In fact, my ticker is one of my pics.
First Charm
What is or what will be your first charm.
Just an FYI
Anyone is allowed to post tips or topics. This site belongs to all of us!
**** :smokin: ****First Tip I want to add is Green Tea. It is a safe way to boost your metabolism!
Welcome to the Charmed Ones. First off, everyone needs to go buy a charm bracelet. It does not need to be expensive. You can get one in the bead section at Joanne Fabrics for $4.00. Every time you lose 5 lbs, you get a charm. Watch that bracelet fill up! This is going to be a fun group where we reward our accomplishments…
Chia Seeds
Just curious about what everyone thinks about Chia seeds.