Running Shoes?
I've been running on the treadmill for a good portion of my exercise routine and I have shin splints (again). Keep being told that I need good running shoes - for any of the runners out there, can you recommend a pair of good women's running shoes that aren't going to drain my bank account?
Irritated at the weight gain
I have NO IDEA wth is going on and I am pissed off this morning. Been KILLING it with the weight loss lately - gave up alcohol completely in my diet and the weight just started melting away. Started out at 133, struggled until the wine went away and was tettering between 116 and 118. Then I wake up, hop on the scale and I…
Eating out
Ok - so I thought I made a pretty good choice today when I took someone out for their birthday lunch. Shrimp Cocktail, Salad with Balsamic Vinegrette. Didn't order garbage appetizers and was trying to be mindful of how much I ate (ate slowly and when I was full, I stopped). However, when I got home and logged it, I was a…
weighing in
Can someone tell me why i am heavier when I get home from the gym than when I am when I get to the gym? I weighed in at 130 before and when i got home was at 133. It makes me absolutely crazy. Weighing on the same scale...
Dumb Question of the Day - adjusting calorie intake
Good Morning - So just wondering... Started at 129 and am at 123 now. Do I need to readjust my weight and calorie intake on MFP? Since I was 5'2", 129 - I had 1200 calories allowed. If I'm at 5'2", 123 - do I need to adjust it (to 1100 or1000 calories) or does MFP do that or is there no need? I was wondering if the more…
Christmas crazies and family and trying to be on track...
Christmas crazies and family and trying to be on track... So I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world with a completely dysfunctional family. I know I can't be because there are SO many Christmas movies that point it out. So...my son came home on Monday. It's all good - haven't seen him since a year ago since he has…
Trying to figure out what I can eat
So I went to the doc yesterday and knew something wasn't right. I had had blood tests done back in July and the nurse returned my call and told me my total cholesterol was fine. PERFECT....I GET TO EAT ONE MORE THING OF CHEESE FRIES FROM IN AND OUT BURGER. she told me to keep in it moderation. No biggie. So I haven't been…
Need help balancing an upcoming schedule
Hi - been doing this for not that long of a time and I need some tips on how to balance a schedule. This semester, it hasn't been that tough because I don't work and have been taking only two classes (and they've been a cake walk - next semester is TOUGH). I hit the gym now five days a week for about 2 hours a day and next…
the ARC trainer...a bit of humor
Ok...so most of the equipment, I'm an idiot on. I can't jog on the treadmill without watching my feet and the thought of taking an aerobics class is mortifying since I'm such a dork. So my trainer has me mixing it up on different equipment and has taught me how to use all of it but there are a few that I haven't tackled…
New. Totally blowing it.
Hi - been working out about two weeks - seen the weight packing on and have done nothing until recently. I am only 129 pounds but it's been a pound here, a pound there and I'm realizing that I'm about 20 pounds over what I should be to look good. (I'm not a good size 10, I am more a size 4 to look great. All the weight…