After 24 days with just counting calories on MFP I had my first weigh in with 7 pounds loss. Measuring is also really important so my waist was down 1, neck .5, and hips down .5! MFP really does work! I started using the gym today! So this was all strictly from counting calories with a goal of 2 pounds a week loss. If you…
1 Wok 1 Wooden Spoon - Never Medal in Wok Feeds 2 Adults, 2 Kids, 1 baby, and 1 dog Pot for rice Knife for chicken Measure cup and spoons I can pull together in 25-30 minutes Chicken Chop Suey Get water to boil 2 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast 3/4 cup water 1 Tablespoon ginger salt / pepper Little crushed garlic ( I get…
Got Donuts for the kids this morning. The old me would have wolfed down 3 but no more! Just not looking at or smelling them. It can be tough with kids and beating of temptation for cookies, donuts, and cakes. Especially with the holidays upon us.
Just spilled my lunch all over in the office microwave. Good times! Guess my portion will be 1/4 for lunch. I've been eating Progresso Soup these days and have to admit its not to shabby. What do you eat for lunch at the office?
I've had a roller coaster ride with diet since New Years 2010. More like a Great American Eagle drop in the beginning with a couple dips and a gradual increase back to over my original starting point of 2010. I've kept a blog over the last 2 years on my struggles and things I've tried to follow: Computer Scientist: Flabby…