Hi, i've just brought ella's cookbook and some of the receipes do look amazing. Just wondered how people find them as she doesnt count calories but i obviously am as she views eating clean unprocessed foods means that its easier to stay at your natural weight. just wonder how people got on and any reccommends in which to…
I have recently been putting on a bit of weight, my eating has stayed pretty much the same but ive had to adjust my cardio as i went over on my ankle and cannot run for the time being. I have still be working on my strength still and going foe heavier weights but some weeks its been a pound a week gain and i dont know if…
Hi ,i've just brought ella's cookbook and some of the receipes do look amazing. Just wondered how people find them as she doesnt count calories but i obviously am as she views eating clean unprocessed foods means that its easier to stay at your natural weight. Just wondered how people got on and any reccommends in which to…
Hi, so I recently sprained my ankle, well yesterday, as i went over on it playing squash. Hisnisndoubkey annoying as this week has been a bit of an off week food wise so i had been hopingnto make sure my exercise was on point to help too many bad side effects but I know it's inevitable that some weight will go on this…
Hi, just wondered if anyone has the fitbit charge hr and if you find the heart rate monitior accurate as i've read mixed reviews.