So today I got an email from my college telling me it was officially 100 days til Homecoming and it got me to thinking, I wanna do something BIG in 100 days! I started Couch to 5k yesterday and I want to run 100 miles in 100 days! (Hey, it's only a mile a day) I also want to lose these last 25lbs in 100 days! I know that…
Hey guys, So I'm having a problem with eating too much sugar. I don't think there has been a day where I haven't gone over on my sugar and I'm not sure if that's a big problem or not. The sugar I eat normally isn't from candy or sugary drinks. I just eat ALOT of fruit and I've noticed if I eat cereal or fruit salad in the…
Help! I've been working out consistently 5 x a week for an hour and I'm consuming only 1200 calories and it seems like I've hit a brick wall. I haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. In fact according to the scale I've gained almost 3lbs! It's getting really frustrating cause I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing but…
Well I think it's an NSV.. I've always lied on my driver's license when it came to weight. Up until age 23 it has said 135 (which I'm definitely not). When I turned 23 I finally stopped lying (so much) and put my weight as 150 (I was about 158 at the time). I forgot all about that little lie until today when I looked at my…
I'm just starting out on making a change to live a healthier lifestyle and have already lost 2lbs! I can use all the encouragement I can get!