I'm new here!

MelisBee Posts: 31 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm just starting out on making a change to live a healthier lifestyle and have already lost 2lbs! I can use all the encouragement I can get!


  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Hi...welcome...2lbs is a great start to your healthier lifestyle. Congrats to you!
  • cobyh
    cobyh Posts: 15
    Welcome fellow newbie :-)
  • MelisBee
    MelisBee Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm excited to make a healthy change! :)
  • Hello, and welcome. i'm new to this too, so wishing you all the best on this journey
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member

    Hope you are getting ready to concur the world on this site. I will tell you with some strong determination and the will to succeed you will go far. I have done well by logging all my food. It helps to do it before you eat it (you will be surprise how many calories are in things) I check,check and recheck the calorie content because they are not always accurate on the site. I am not a big exercise person (very hard to fit it in most days) . I work out abit with my WII (too much fun) I started by calorie level at 1200 but after a few weeks I discovered that it was far to low so I brought it up to 1430 and I lose 1 pound a week almost like clockwork. I hit the wall a couple times and did not lose for the week then the following week it got its MoJo back and off it came. I can tell you that I do budget for a treat ( I love Yoplait delights chocolate raspberry) There is a really good web site hungry girl.com tons of recipes for some yummy food (one of my favs is chicken cordon blu ) I really began to have more energy at about 20 pounds off. It is funny because the body changes slowly but its cool to discover all the new things that you have (or to be more exact the things you don’t have) like one less roll on your tummy or hey I forgot I have dimples in my cheeks:bigsmile: Again you can do it just hang in there an be patient.
  • MelisBee
    MelisBee Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks that is really encouraging! Congrats on all the weight lost!
  • wow 2 pounds that is wonderful. keep it up. glad to have you.:flowerforyou:
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