Too Much Sugar??

Hey guys,
So I'm having a problem with eating too much sugar. I don't think there has been a day where I haven't gone over on my sugar and I'm not sure if that's a big problem or not.
The sugar I eat normally isn't from candy or sugary drinks. I just eat ALOT of fruit and I've noticed if I eat cereal or fruit salad in the morning, I'm ALREADY over my sugar limit!!
Is this a problem? Will it prevent me from losing weight? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • houzkat
    houzkat Posts: 78
    I've noticed that a lot of boxed cereals have super high sugar content so I'm starting to give them up because I was having the same problem. I'm thinking about doing more eggs and oatmeal and such.
  • lguy29
    lguy29 Posts: 131
    I go over on sugar everyday too. A lot of it has to do with fruit but it seems even though I don't have a sweet tooth I always have something sweet :P It hasn't prevented me from loosing weight. I just try to avoid it at night..
  • lux1990
    lux1990 Posts: 6
    Hey, well I believe that you should cut down on the fruit for a while. Fruit is wonderful and healthy, yes. But, it does contain a lot of natural sugar. Try berries? Raspberries, blueberries, black berries, strawberries. Berries are the lowest sugar option when it comes to fruit. In terms of cereal, there are low sugar options out there. Fiber One, the original kind, is the best choice in my opinion. There is zero sugar and 14 grams of fiber per serving!! Fiber is important when trying to lose weight. If you add some berries to your bowl, it will taste yummy, be low in sugar, and fill you up :)
  • keith863
    keith863 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem, typically doubling my daily sugar allotment, simply from eating 2 bananas and an apple, or some watermelon.

    What it sounds like is, the sugar from fruits (fructose) is different than table sugar (sucrose). Our bodies break down fructose slower than cane sugar, and in that sense is a "better" sugar. [btw, "high fructose corn syrup" is not a "good" sugar]
    Thing is I get confused because fruits (and some vegetables) contain not only fructose, but also sucrose...

    Anyways, regarding sugar from fruits (and veggies like carrots), it's a "better" sugar than processed cane sugar, but ultimately it is still a sugar. It still increases your blood sugar, and excess amounts are easily stored as fat.
    Last thing on fruits, despite the sugar, they are still very healthy! Containing lots of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, etc. So, it's a good thing to eat.

    So, in summary of what I am gathering, but I'm not an expert by any means, is:
    a) Fruits are healthy, if losing fat is a priority, perhaps consider eating less-sugary fruits, such as grapefruits, berries, cantaloupe, kiwis, etc.) and/or
    b) Eat fruits in moderation, or (if really on a strict diet) think of it as a "treat", almost a "dessert" if you will.

    So, like for me going way over on sugar apparently is not good (I just realized, thanks to your question!), and I'm going to try some of the lower sugar fruits and get under my daily recommended amount.
    Hope that helps some.

    Good luck in your dieting~!