I've got bunions. :embarassed: I'm short and high heels were my standard shoes for so many years that I've totally messed up my feet. I have been doing the 30 Day Shred but it is KILLING my feet. All the jumping...ugh... So ladies, what advice have you got? Is surgery the only option?
Hey -- I'm a midget artist (4'11, drawing/painting) and would LOVE some support from fellow creative types. Since gaining weight my motivation to make art has dissipated (it must be lodged until a skin fold or something), so I would LOVE some friends who are creative and on the weight loss journey. Just to "talk shop"…
I'm new to this group, hi! It's nice to find so many fellow artists on this journey! So, wanna have an online exhibition of work that documents our journey? Maybe on Flickr? ???
Okay, let's do a show-and-tell of sorts. What are your comfort "good for you" foods and how do you make 'em (or where do you find them)? I'll start: BREAKFAST: 0.75 cups Life cereal with 0.5 cup of skim milk 2 cups black coffee with truvia & 0.25 cup of skim milk SNACK: naval orange or 3 large pitted dates (from Sam's) 0.5…
I know you've been there -- you work hard all week mentally staying focused, sweating, eating smaller portions while desperately wishing for a chocolate shake, you pride yourself on your dedication, you feel better -- Then you step on the scale and the number is the same. Surely, this means that you've lost inches! You…