so i have the full box set of the famous SWEATIN TO THE OLDIES WITH RICHARD SIMMONS but my question is i do not find this listed in the exercise database so if i do one of these dvd's or part of one how do i know how many calories i burned???? someone help i'm looking to start doing something once i get this calorie thing…
so just curious cuz i know i can't do every workout video that is out there right now so what is everyone doing to get moving anyone found a good video or have machines you like to use at the gym that are dummy proof :) I have a fear of the machines i think about the america's funniest home videos where people go flying…
I am 31 years old and have been overweight since i was in elementary school. I was picked on of course in school you know all that goes but by the time i hit high school i was the one making the "fat jokes". There are those days when it does get to me though. I work at a childcare center and some of the parents have been…