This has got to work

faith99436 Posts: 17 Member
I am 31 years old and have been overweight since i was in elementary school. I was picked on of course in school you know all that goes but by the time i hit high school i was the one making the "fat jokes". There are those days when it does get to me though. I work at a childcare center and some of the parents have been very judgmental over the last year or so about my weight and going so far as to talk discuss that the way i dress does not look professional. I have had a couple of instances where my blood pressure has been a lil on the high side and have given me a lil bit of a scare. I tried another site similar to this but none of my friends were doing it and they drowned me in emails DAILY about crazy stuff. This time some friends who live in another state found this site and are having great success by using it. We can communicate and check each others progress which is going to be a good inspiration for me. Also they can PUSH me when i need it. :)

I am looking forward to embarking on this journey but am so tired of trying and failing at it. This needs to work for me. I stepped on the scales the other day i couldn't believe my eyes. This has gotten way outta hand. I'm going to work on planning out my meals first that is going to be a process for me in and of itself i'm used to just stopping and getting whatever i am in the mood for or buying what i can afford. That is my other struggle all the foods that are so good for you are so expensive....i could really use some suggestions on some of this so willing to hear any suggestions!


  • lprince12
    lprince12 Posts: 3
    Make SURE you are drinking your water. That's is a big help too. I love you and am so proud of you, but of course you know that already cause I've said it more than a few I'm here for ya.:flowerforyou:
  • luckyk26
    luckyk26 Posts: 12
    Congrats for making the decision,,,and it WILL work. My only advice is to not get upset about any set backs or anytime you think you "cheat". Like you said - this is a journey - you will have ups and downs. Just keep at it and you will see results. Someone on here told me (I wish I could remember who to give them credit) that just because you make a mess of one meal you don't have to wait until the next day to try again - you can start over with the next meal. Those short term goals have really kept me focused (for the whole one week that I have been here but hey... I lost 3 lbs). Good Luck!!
  • faith99436
    faith99436 Posts: 17 Member
    @ Lisa you know i LOVE me some sweet tea so the water is going to be the hard part for me :)

    @ Lucky26 you are absolutely right thanks for the encouragement i have always stopped in the past when i hit a plateaued, messed up, or holidays came around but in spite of all that i have to press on and realize that this is a learning process having to undo YEARS worth of bad habits will not get fixed overnight :)
  • kjburgess11
    kjburgess11 Posts: 20
    I have just started myself, (april 20) but i have to say so far that the people and results are great. You can do it but like everything worth having it will take work. I just wish I started working sooner. Good luck to you!
  • Smead3369
    Smead3369 Posts: 32
    I completely agree with you when you say "this has got to work." I have waited and waited and waited to feel like I have hit "rock bottom" and I think I may finally be here. I know this is going to be a long process and I have to take it all a day at a time but I also know that there will be nothing easy about it.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    This WILL work - if you make it work.
    My best advice: set realistic goals (DON'T start out eating 1200 cals a day, you'll just get disillusioned and give up), fit in some exercise (3 or 4 times a week) and be prepared to stick at this for the long term.
    Good luck!

    Edited to add: good food doesn't have to be expensive. Don't get sucked in my the marketers who try to sell you "healthy" everything. Buy fresh (or frozen) fuit and veggies, whatever meat you can afford, whatever nuts are on special, add staples like beans, rice, pasta and herbs and spices and cook for yourself. You'll probably find it cheaper than eating junk.
  • SimplyArij
    SimplyArij Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My best advice is to think of your fitness journey as a new lifestyle that you will SLOWLY embrace. Look at the nutritional value of the things you eat throughout the day. Make small changes that you know you can keep. I cut out sugary drinks as a first step. I went from drinking tea with three sugars, to one and now, I drink tea with no sugar and love it!!

    Good luck and feel free to add me!!

  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
    Welcome to MFP! I have also been overweight my whole life. I love MFP & so far I'm doing great with it! I do not see this as a diet, but as just me eating healthy. It is very easy & if I have a craving, I give it to it but with sugar free chocolate and only 1 piece. Good luck to you!!! Feel free to add me as a friend.