Person Above Thinking....
What was the person above you thinking when their profile picture was taken? Example: Above, She was thinking: "I haven't brushed my hair today." Remember it's all in silly fun.
How hot r u
Because my gosh y'all be cool.
Cones or no cones
That is the question. With your ice cream. I know if I order my dessert they will be there. So how do you guys take it? Just curious.
Who can find Michigan on a map
Hee. Just being silly.
Hooray for Brains!
I just love a guy that's not ignorant. Just what I like. My preference.
Why are you laughing
So, in the forums, what sort of humor do you enjoy from users and what kind do you not "get" or dislike? Signed, curious.
How is this MFPer Thread going to die?!
I'm guessing a really great gif
More spinach to your diet.
That Thing?!
What the heck is that thing?! Post a photo. Post a Guess.
I'm listening....
Movie Mash Up
Combine two movies to make one Super Movie: Fight Club + Sound of Music = Fight Club Music (All those singing kids are now boxing in the basement)
The Internet "Taught" me (one liners)
You're so pretty and smart! What has the Internet taught you? This can be funny: "That squirrels can water ski" (thanks, YouTube) Serious: "How to cook vegetables. (Thanks, Pinterest) Or observational: The Internet can be like alcohol for some people- lowers their inhibitions.
Open Food Diary Friends around five feet
Hi, I would like to add some friends around my height in the same goal weight zone with open diaries. We need a bit less calories than average & I would like to learn from others & get new ideas. (Judgement free). I am motivated to eat pretty healthy & exercise most days & try to have fun with it. Please add me!