Starting over and need someone to be accountable to...
Thank you so much in advance for reading this and for your support! I'm hoping to find a person(s) who would be willing to be an accountability partner so I feel like I have someone I have to answer to. I'm a married/no children/professional 46YO female from the North Central US restarting my weight loss journey with about…
Wellness coaches?
Feeling alone...
I'm at two extremes - highest weight and lowest morale. I've even been struggling with binge eating recently, I know what I need to do to get healthy but feel like such a failure right now. If there is anyone that would be willing to help me with this journey, I would be grateful.
Looking to add "40s and fabulous" friends!
Greetings to fellow 40s and Fabulous "groupies"! I've been on MFP for almost one year. Fell off track for a few months but am refocused and working on the better me. If anyone is looking to add more friends, I would love to expand my support network. And remember, stay strong with your goals and be fabulous!
Looking to add supportive friends
I'm looking to add some additional supportive friends. I've lost some support because they are no longer using MFP for various reasons. I've been in kind of a funk the last couple months (too much stress and thereby eating too much junk). As a result, I've slid backwards in my weight loss progress and could definitely use…
New Strength Focus - Need Guidance and Support
Hi and thanks for taking time to read this! With the help of some really great MFP friends, I started losing weight in September 2012. Having been overweight for so long, I thought my goal would be just to drop the weight, wanting to lose about 30 lbs. I wouldn't be thin at that weight, just more healthy. I'm about 2/3 of…
Would love the support!
Hi everyone!! Tomorrow is Monday - and so it begins. With over 40 pounds to lose - and by definition middle age YUCK!! - I need more than two hands and two feet to count the number of times I’ve started a weight loss attempt only to fail once again. With a long hard road ahead, I would love the support and friendship.…
Early 40s - Looking for friends - Don't want to fail again
Hi everyone! I joined MFP a couple months ago but basically have not done anything to achieve my goal of losing 30 lbs - including gain three more pounds. Prior weight loss attempts have also been a miserable failure, primarily because I've always gone it alone, without a support network. The past couple days, I've checked…