who can I tell?
Every time I try to tell someone about how deeply I'm affected by the thoughts I'm about to share, I feel dismissed. At my heaviest, I was 160lbs and 5'3. At my smallest, I was 115lbs. I am struggling with body image at 125. Now, I'm quite aware that I am at a healthy weight and I do remember that even at 115 I felt the…
banana oatmeal clusters. easy recipe!
My friend recently introduced me to these! They are perfect for before the gym or whenever! Preheat oven to 350 degrees Mash together 1 ripe to over ripe banana and 1 cup of your choice of uncooked oatmeal. I used cinnamon (unsweetened), if you have more of a sweet tooth you may want to use the sweet oatmeal. I'm going to…
2 ingredient clusters!
My friend introduced me to these and now they are my pre-workout favorite! Banana oatmeal clusters Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mash 1 ripe or overripe banana into 1 cup uncooked oatmeal (the first time I used cinnamon unsweetened, the 2 time I used 3 packs of the Apple cinnamon instant) Scoop into 6 clusters, bake for…
when to take off your hrm.
I just bought an HRM and I know that you continue burning calories after you workout. So...when do you quit logging calories burned? Immediately after your workout? When your heart rate becomes normal? When I run and then do weights should I leave it on the whole time? When I take zumba do I remove it right away? I've…
Harsh opinions wanted!!!
Ok, so I've noticed that since I've lost weight, I can't go out without anyone trying to take me home. Now, I have mixed feelings about this and it's not limited to guys. My.girlfriends also try (I'm not offended and actually flattered). My ordeal is that I don't truly believe that it's because I'm attractive. I've met…
Lost weight and now I NEVER get hit on?!?
Ok, so far I've lost almost 15lbs (i lost weight before joining mfp). When I weighed.131lbs, I would go out and would be approached several times, now, I go out and NOTHING! I don't understand! I think I look better and have more confidence, but maybe losing a little bit of weight made me less attractive?! Ugh, I don't…
Fellow dancers!!!
So, I've felt like my whole life everything changes except my love for dance! Would love to meet people with similar ideas. I believe that in life there are 2 types of people: those who dance, and those who don't. Once you find that love, it never goes away and there's a void if it's not there. Friend requests welcome.
Just need to vent!
So, I just ran my first 5k mud run and all I wanted to do was tell my boyfriend how much fun I had and show him pictures of the run and share my excitement with him and all he had to say to me was, "I'm glad you had fun, I don't need to see pictures and don't care to hear about it." Ugh! Really?! Being persistent, I try to…
My first 5k mud run!
Ok, so I'm doing my first 5k and I'm super excited...and nervous. I don't know what to expect. It's the dirty girl mud run, any tips, suggestions, things to do/ not do, bring/not bring? I want to be prepared.
Beating the weight gain of becoming a non-smoker?
Ok, so it always seems that when I choose a good decision, the bad always kicks my butt before the good results come through. I'm trying to avoid the bad on this (the mood swings were enough). I'm going on week two, and.so far, I've gained 2lbs but I deserve them because I wasn't careful. Now, all I want is junk food and…
That layer of belly fat!
Ok, so, I'm good with my current weight, but I still have belly fat. Do I continue cardio or strength training. I'm doing a bit of both (just started strength training) but not sure if this is right. Also, how do I manage calories?
"anorexic arms, thick thighs"
Ok, so this last friday I went out to a bar with a friend of mine I haven't seen in awhile. I was excited to see her and show her my progress until she started putting me down. I had told her that I wanted to firm my stomach and she agreed I should. Then she went off on me about how my arms, chest, and shoulders look…
I need friends with similar stats and fitness level.
Hi, I'm 5'3, 117lbs, looking to tone up and if more weight comes off, that's fine, but I'm content with myself. I go to the gym 5-6 times a week for an hour. It seems hard to find girls who are in the same boat. I love my current friends, but their diaries don't provide me with any insight to what I could be doing because…
How small is too small?
I'm 5'3, 117. I've started getting comments that I initially took as compliments, but now they're starting to eat at me. I started off going between 131lbs on a bad day and 127 on a good day. I have kind of a weird complex that I always look the same to myself. I see the scale go down, the clothes size smaller (I'm in a…
Calorie deficit vs strength training
Is it more effective to lose the fat and then work on developing muscle our to work on the muscle and then worry about the fat (calorie deficit) our should you do a bit of both. I do mostly cardio with a calorie deficit because I want to lose fat, but I also want to be toned but you aren't supposed to do the calorie…
I've been soooo tired this whole week.
I've had a whole week off of work, I've been keeping up with my food and exercise routine (5-6 x's a week) but for some reason I am having the hardest time getting out of bed. My body doesn't hurt, just feels worn down. I'm anemic so maybe it has something to do with that? Maybe my body thinks it's recovery time? I'm not…
Help! Alcoholic weekend is approaching!
Ok, this weekend is planned around alcohol. Friday is my best friend's birthday, saturday into sunday I'm camping, and sunday I promised a friend who is going through a divorce that I would take her out. Since not consuming alcohol is not an option I'd like to go with and I don't want to have to watch my consumption…
Logging zumba calories?!
How many are burned in an hour long class (trust me, I work it during that hour) and how do I track them on here? I've ben going for a month and am thrilled with the toning it's helping me with! any advise to help the pooch tummy though? I do the elliptical for an hour a couple times a week too (when they don't offer zumba…
I'm new here. Need friends. Please? :)
I have all sorts of questions!