What if i told you i've made a 37 calorie root beer float that tastes better the real thing? :love: Head to your local fruitful yield or health food store and pick up the follow ARTIC ZERO frozen dessert in VANILLA MAPLE (better then ice cream and only 150 calories in the whole pint) and ZEVIA SODA in ROOT BEER flavor ( 0…
tell me about ur workout today! I have a feeling i'll be up late tonight! Here was mine KB swings 3x12 80lb Walking lunges 4xlength of my gym Squats 3x12 115lb DROP SET to sprints Straight leg deads 3x12 135lbs Glute bridges body weight 3x15 Shorter one today! the sprints fried me
But i find it difficult to provide support to individuals who are unwilling to make the necessary life changes to do reach their goals. I can often times come across jaded or Bit*hy because of this but at the end of the day a little tough love never killed anyone. Get off your butt and make a change instead of crying about…
I love this when I get a crispy salty craving Take 1 Kraft string cheese Slice in 1/4 rounds Line baking sheet with parchment Spread rounds onto sheet Spinkle with garlic powder and black pepper Bake at 375 until golden brown Wait until they cool and peel away from parchment So good!!!!