are my protein any good? or any cheap good bars out there?
Please help me out my usuals are getting boring! Low carb high protein would be awsome :)
Any one do body rock on here?
I need to change up my diet a bit as I'm eating the same foods. all of which i love but i think my body would like a change now. I leave the house at 7am and home at 7.30pm so they have to be quick to make or something I can prep in advance. at the moment I have been eating protein pancakes(i get a mix from the my protein…
I've just started a new job which is a very long commute so I can't find anytime in the week to actually work out. I get up, ready and out the door at 6am and then I'm not home until 7, which I then have to cook and prepare the next days meals and take out other household chores! I used to to a 8 till 6 and found atleast…
I've changed my diet to cut down my carbs as i was eating alot, my protein is the same but my fat has shot up! surely this can't be good for you? my daily diet is oatmeal with soy milk honey and peanut butter, grapes as a snack, and egg and ham salad with a homemade goats cheese salad dressing, with pitta and homemade…
I have been working so hard on my clean eating and exercise since feb and haven't seen any change at all!! I only have time to exercise 20 minutes a day due to my job, but an hour on a sat then Sunday is a rest day! Sometimes I've gone a bit off the beaten track but its only a bad day never a bad week. I'm 5ft 8 and 156…