Today is day 30! I've NEVER exercised before. I can't believe I'm posting this but y'all have been very inspirational! Age: 32 Height: 5'5 SW: 152 FW: 149 <I've had 4 babies- I never show my stomach>
I have had my knees partially replaced twice and ACLs, have osteoarthritis, Arnold Chiari Malformation and a lipoma in my corpus collosum (aka fat tumor in my brain) all of which makes exercising difficult. Of course I needed to modify several exercises. I've had 4 babies so be gentle with the tummy (still loose skin, the…
I was pregnant and/or nursing for 9.5 yrs and so I had to eat like a Hobbit which included a midnight and 3 am meal. I had a really hard time maintaining my weight even eating that much... Well now I'm only feeding myself and still have midnight hunger. I usually have excess calories to eat anyways so does it matter if…
I've had 2 ACLs, 3 reconstructs, have 4 titanium bolts holding it together- both legs affected- so this isn't a small issue :( . I've been doing Ripped in 30 (modified from my awful knees- no jumping & no low squats- i know pylometrics aren't even a consideration) and it leaves me feeling unfinished. I could do twice the…
Hi I'm here. I need to lose a tad but mostly just need to watch myself... Reasons for needing to lose 15lbs & challenges: lipoma in corpus collosum (aka brain tumor of fat adding fat can make it grow) Reconstructive knee surgeries (both legs) plus ACLs, titanium bolts, etc Ehlers Danlos & Arnold Chiari malformation- I've…