Tired of people making fun of me because of my fanny pack
I squat with my fanny pack, curl with fanny pack, and I jog with my fanny pack. What is SO FREAKING WRONG WITH WEARING A FANNY PACK DAMMIT?
I can't manage 5000 cats a day.
I BEEN TRYING TO DIVIDE THE CATS IN 6 MEALS. THEY EITHER CRAP THE FLOOR or… wait cals or cats? Seems like I need to reach the Humane Society forums then..
A woman with a mustache sure does make Woodie happy!
My woody that is…
Pop Tarts have chemicals that could kill you instantly
Yes that is right, and while my research is top secret at the moment I can tell you that a man by the name of Arnius is finalizing the report. He is a man that has been addicted to pop tarts and after working out suffered a massive stroke. He suffered and stroked badly for quite some time. Stroked so bad that his right arm…
Can stalking be considered an exercise?
There are times that I stop for a few minutes to regain some energy so I don't think I am burning as much calories. I thought about drinking water but I read somewhere that too much water can kill you. At night I take a few pills of caffeine while chasing down my victims. If we combine all facts mentioned in this post, how…
Serious Discussions, experts only
Is dr. pepper a real doctor?
Requirements to Post 1. Own a Smith Machine 2. Gazelle 3. All P90x editions
Just started my Paleo Diet today
First thing that I did in the morning was get my bow and arrow ready, and a huge freaking lance. Warmed up doing lance curls for a few hours but didn't get any burn at all. I figured that I needed to put some weight on each side so I headed to the woods and lanced a few squirrels which didn't provided any weight at all but…
I'm Allergic to Microwaves
I think its the glass where my food sits, or maybe the plastic that is used outside of the microwave. Are there any organic microwaves that you guys can recommend?
The best Burger recipe ever! Low/High Carb Version! Yes!
Warning: Do not Log this as the MFP system will crash for days and the website will refuse to function for 72 hours. Lower Carb Version (meat only) Calories 103,800 Fat: 6,389 Protein: 10,702 Carbs: 2,235 Higher Carb Version (meat, lettuce, tomato, american cheese, pickles. ketchup, mustard) 225,890 Calories 28,508 Carbs…
Garlic is bad for you
Don't eat garlic as it will cause my external and internal diseases.
I have a few questions about caloric intake
My goal is 1700 calories, I did cardio in the morning and it added the calories that I burned from cardio. Can anyone explain this to me?