stuck to calories
but not lost weight this week? Is this usual?
Saving calories
If during week you don't use all your calories can you use some on weekend ?
Increase in Daily Calories
My allowed Daily calorie intake has increased by 50 anyone any idea why this might be?
New joiner.
Aiming to lose around 20lb by healthier eating and some exercise, my downfall is working in an office sitting down all day people fetching treats in etc and also drinking heavily mainly on a weekend, any tips for healthier meals etc welcome. Regards Les.
Mainly because i work in an office its so tempting to eat crisp/chocolate etc any tips for healthier snacking which is practical.
Social Networking
Anyone on Facebook/Twitter? My facebook is Les Baxby Twitter - LS26BLADE.
Feel free to add me
more the merrier and more tips etc the better. Regards. Les