stuck to calories

but not lost weight this week? Is this usual?


  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I've stuck to calories and not lost weight in 3 months. I'm pretty sure it is my sedentary lifestyle that is kicking my *kitten*. A week w/o a loss shouldn't be of concern.
  • slade37
    slade37 Posts: 23 Member
    There are many factors involved in weight loss. If you kept to your calorie level, then perhaps youi did not drink enough water to rid yourself of the byproducts of bichemical pyrollsis. When this happens, I recommend tracking your water intake more closely and use 1 ounce of water per ever 2 pounds of body weight. For a 300 poind person like me, thats 150 ounces seems like a lot, but proper hydration is imperative for uniform weight management. At least half of your hydration should come from water, with no calorie tea followed by diet soft drinks providing the rest. I also find it useful when stuck to increase your physical actvity by 45 minutes per day. Try cross training also. Do some excercise for 45 minutes 3 times a week that you dont normally do. If you are a walker, then bike. If you are a biker try swimming, or tennis or something new.