Time for more progress pics! I did some after 3 months, and I was going to wait for 6 months, but I figured I'd share some now to show how lean I got because I'm planning on starting to bulk. The lighting isn't great and I'm fair skinned so the pics aren't that flattering, but hopefully you can see that I've lost a lot of…
Feeling brave so I decided to post my 3 month progress pics. The original pics were taken from a few weeks before I started using MFP (but had already lost a little bit of weight), and the recent pics were taken today. They're about 3 months apart. I'm not where I want to be yet, and I still have a ways to go really, but…
This is a stupid question, but I just want to make sure: do all boneless chicken breasts from grocery store meat sections essentially have the same nutrition? I'm wondering because I found a much cheaper and smaller grocery store in my area that has boneless chicken breasts for almost half of the cost of the major grocery…
Hi all, I've only been using this app / site for about a week now, and I've already noticed how useful keeping track of calories can be. I've found tracking calories now enjoyable and something like a little game instead of just a nuisance. My goal is to lose some extra fat over the next couple months, while maintaining…