3 month progress pics

epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
Feeling brave so I decided to post my 3 month progress pics. The original pics were taken from a few weeks before I started using MFP (but had already lost a little bit of weight), and the recent pics were taken today. They're about 3 months apart. I'm not where I want to be yet, and I still have a ways to go really, but I've made some good strides over just the summer and I know I can continue to improve.

I feel good about my progress because I haven't done anything gimmicky and it was just the result of my own research, work, and discipline. I've been just lifting heavy 3 days a week, eating plenty of protein, staying ~500 calories under my calorie maintenance level, and for the most part following Lean Gains (eating in 8 hour windows, fasting for 16... But I don't let the clock dictate my life).

Anyway, this is my first time posting pics like this in public, and I'm a bit nervous to do so but I'm feeling brave, so go easy on me. :)


Edit: UGH picture snipped... Let me try to fix it...

EDIT2: Okay, finally got it so it's not cut off. :) That was a pain in the *kitten*...


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