currently wearing two sports bras but my problem is my lower half wondering what everyone wears or started with before they lost weight? the flapping is very discouraging when i run :(
advise on how to start? what i need? how often?? i tried couch to 5 k but gave up quickly awhile ago
Day 2 I survived the whole work out Didn't do the push-ups on the floor did wall push-ups instead but did everything else and can't wait for day 3 No longer a failure
Well today was tough took my before pictures which was a huge depressing mess How did I get here? Put on the video listened to Jillian gave it my all and made it 15 minutes before I gave up Couldn't do the push-ups at all Amazed myself with the jumping jacks Hoping tomorrow is better because today was a total failure :(
I'm starting it tomorrow and nervous that it won't go well because of my weight but have to start somewhere right ?
How many should I be having too lose 2 PDs a week? T
I am currently enrolled online in WW but feel the support and motivation is so much better on here so I do both ;) Anyone else with me?
I am here and ready to work hard anyone who wants to add me feel free ;)