I may have been getting the shakes yesterday not being able to post....with that said, I am looking to get a second pair of running sneakers, trying to find last season stuff so hopefully it will be cheaper, does anyone here know a good site/store to look for last season stuff?
So I am a morning runner and I know that soon I will be running in the dark, I have started searching for things to make me brighter and was wondering if anyone here has some recommendations of what they like
Anyone ever done it? Thoughts good bad horrible, just seeing what people think of it, as it doesn't have a whole lot of reviews
Anyone ever done it? Thoughts?
So, this years running resolution was to run at least 1 race a month. Just signed up for my November race and found one for December YAY. 2015 running resolution will be a marathon and trying races in new states. I would like to know if you guys know of any cool races (5k, 10k, half) in ME, CT, VT and NH. TIA
Tomorrow is my birthday and really I just started this for funny posts and gifs and sarcasm, cause I can handle it. No whining (unless it is funny)