I've stuggled off and on again with my weight for about the last 13 years trying to find what works best for me. Ya know- everyones different. Calorie counting keeps me in check and I do better when I can actually see what I am stuffing in my face. Fast forward for earlier this year and I am about 45 pounds…
Nope, not prego yet buit trying! One day I will be and then what? Do I stop counting calories? If not, how to do you account for a growing fetus's additional calorie intake? I know striving for 1200 a day is not right when prego- doesn't seem like that would be enough. Thanks!
UGH! So let me tell you I thought I had a medical condition and was about to make an appointment. I even took a prego test thinking maybe I was prego and didn't know it... I had GAINED 6 lbs over a two period. I was so disappointed and had just about given up on the whole calorie counting thing. I thought, what's the…
Today's another day? So I got on the scale (after hiding it the last week) and how could 3 days of bad dinners equal 4 pounds? :mad: That would mean I ate 14,000 more than I should have- which is impossible. I am guessing (more like hoping...) that it is mostly water weight from my salty take out foods the last 3 days.…