Scale Batteries!!!

UGH! So let me tell you I thought I had a medical condition and was about to make an appointment. I even took a prego test thinking maybe I was prego and didn't know it... I had GAINED 6 lbs over a two period. I was so disappointed and had just about given up on the whole calorie counting thing. I thought, what's the point??? Well- turns out it was my broke scale. I changed the batteries in my scale and had actually LOST a pound. When I was upset one day, I remembered my supervisor telling me he changed his batteries in his scale and how inaccurate the scale was before that. I also remember making fun of him... Well, just thought this could help someone out there. I am not sure why the scale does that, but there's no way I lost 7 lbs overnight! :happy:


  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    I am sooooooo gonna change my batteries!
  • LOL I love it! I will try to remember the batteries when my scale "acts up" . LOL
  • well i am glad you figure out it was your scale! :0)
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    I know, me too. I was beginning to think I had diabetes or something (runs in my family). :)
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Wow-- This post is old, but I just had to search scale batteries because I knew something had to be up. I changed my scale batteries and I'll let everyone know when I wake up what my new weight is. I had my TOM so I knew I'd gain some weight, but I couldn't figure out why the scale wouldn't go down at all and I'm hoping this was the cause.