I have been a weight watcher off and on throughout the years. I do believe in the program, but where I live now, I just dont like the meetings at all. I dont feel motivated to go. So, I feel like I should just rely on MFP to track, and the guidelines i DID learn in WW. ANyone else have this experience? Or any advice?
almond milk question...
what are the befits of unsweetened almond milk, say, over regular skim milk?
RAGNAR chubbies!
I am running my second Ragnar next week (Las Vegas), and vow that this is the LAST Ragnar I run as a person classified as OBESE. I want to feel worthy of the faith that my teammates put in me. I want to outrun OTHERS and encourage them, instead of the other way around. I am DONE setting the bar low, and accepting a slow…
what does 'net' mean?
I can't figure out at the top of my page where it gives me my calorie goal, what I ate and then the net? what makes up the net? I feel like adding my cardio is making this confusing.