I am fighting going on insulin. I am not sure why- it isn't the needle part because I am presently on Victoza so I shoot myself in the stomach every day. I think it is two fold- I have heard it can cause weight gain (which Diamacron definitely did) and I think it means I am admitting defeat in trying to control the…
It sounds like our A1C numbers are similar but I am baffled by the daily readings. I am Canadian and my target range is 5 to 7. My A1C target is under 6. Is the American daily blood sugar number just times 100 of what a Canadian reading would be or is it completely different? I am just curious- does anyone know? Thanks
Yeah or nay? I have never had one, never felt the need for one but someone asked me if I had one so I wondered what peoples thoughts were. I do RPE (rate of perceived exertion) so I know how I feel and work myself accordingly.