feeling a little discouraged
i was doing good in that i went running an hour a day for most days of the week and was losing inches as well as pounds. but last weekend, for reasons unknown to me, i picked a fattening-looking meal for both lunch and dinner for two consecutive days. i didn't think it would be a big deal since i thought my running routine…
what is zumba exactly?
i signed up for a class before i did some research on it, and i read somewhere that it involves "*kitten*-shaking" and "sexy moves." i have to say i am NOT comfortable with those, so does anyone know if it's true???
does wearing hats make your face rounder?
ok, maybe i'm just ultra insecure about my round face and my big head, but i'm curious to see if i'm not the only one who thinks i don't look good with hats.
generally depressed people - post here!
friend me and we'll commiserate?
question for women in a relationship
this is mostly aimed at those who WERE overweight at the beginning of the relationship and whose partner was significantly fitter than them: did you have doubts about your partner really being attracted to you? as someone who's been aroused by the sight of hollywood-thin naked female bodies, i personally can't imagine how…
not open to telling anyone about wanting to lose weight?
i don't know why, but i feel that losing weight implies that you want to look better... which is something vain people do. obviously everyone cares about their appearance to an extent and as a girl i AM more likely to be considered a failure if i'm not sufficiently thin, and yet i'm still hesitant to admit to anyone that…
round-faced, fat, and bitter
i finally decided to lose the 20 lbs i gained from/since last thanksgiving... or at least most of it. i wish i could say it was because i finally realized the importance of being healthy, but my main motivation is none other than to entice a boy. although if he still doesn't fall for me then it's okay because i will at…