feeling a little discouraged

i was doing good in that i went running an hour a day for most days of the week and was losing inches as well as pounds. but last weekend, for reasons unknown to me, i picked a fattening-looking meal for both lunch and dinner for two consecutive days. i didn't think it would be a big deal since i thought my running routine would at least jump start my metabolism and i would gain maybe 2 lbs max. as it turns out, though, i gained back almost ALL the weight i've lost in the past month. my measurements are still the same, but that number on the scale has put me in a "why bother" mood that i didn't even feel like running today.

what do you do when something like this happens to you? how do you get started again and not feel discouraged that a moment of weakness seems to undo all the work you've done for a whole month?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You wouldn't have gained that much from 2 meals. It was likely sodium making you retain water, and that can stick with you for a few days after a sodium laden restaurant meal. This is why you need to not focus on the scale so much. Weigh yourself once in a while but don't obsess or you end up discouraged. Keep doing what you are doing and when you splurge, get right back to it at the next meal. That's how you will live a normal life and maintain your losses forever. It's easier said than done, it took me months after maintaining a 30 pound loss to finally stop letting the scale rule my life.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Sometimes whent hat happens to me its just that my body is taking longer to process all the junk I chose to eat. So I end up retaining water from the extra salt and constapated. After a few days of drinking extra water and eating right (and a few good BMs lol) things turn back around. Just give it a couple days.