Water water water:)
The more water the better am i right or am i right:) I never knew drinking so much water would make me feel so refreshed full of energy Like I drink a lot more than i used to and i feel amazing. great. Wbu you guys! Just a tip for the day to drink more water and don't forget:)
Whats everyones reasoning?!?!?!
Whats everyone's top reason for losing weight??? And also add me and Please inbox me your Weight Story Thank you all :)
Why are people so quick to judge what programs people are on im on medifast. And i know a lot of people who are on mf who had lots of success yes they are real people ... does anyone els get judged for what their on??? people should not be so quick to judge specially if you have not tried it :0
sleeep zzz.
When you know you need to get to bed but you cant even if you are tired or your not tired its important to get enough sleep... so what does everyone do to go to bed at a certain time ..
How does everyone eat their protein?????? Like what do you eat most days ect?
Does anyone els feel guilty
I kinda do for how i treated my body i would gorge it with fast food. and ect... i would go to the fast food more than once a day some days crazy i know.. thats how i got into this mess all i know is im going to do it this time and not go back into my old habits does anyone els feel this way ??
How much?
How much does everyone pay on food every month??? I think its all worth it And you???
Why do some people still refuse to eat healthy or healthier and than they complain about gaining weight their are hormones in your body that act differently to food if you ate a twinkie. or a candy bard it would spike your insulin.. make you store fat no matter what.. If you ate some fish with veggies.. It would keep your…
What do you guys think what have you guys beilived ?
Is it really Just about calories in calories out to lose weight??? So healthy foods dont make you thin ... its the calories?? hmm I always thought if you ate a piece of weight bread it would spike your insulin and you would store fat no matter what??? and im talking about an everyday lifestyle of eating whatever you want…
i need this
Okay all of you might not agree but i feel like i need to do this... its my opion it doesnt have to be yours im sure i will be getting lots of comments saying do this and do that and beilve me iv tried but sometimes an overweight person just cant lose weight doesnt matter how healthy they eat or how much they exercise…
How to make it a reality.??
When your doing everything right your eating enough. your exercising ect but you still cant seem to lose weight how do you make your hormones say lets burn fat so you can lose weight ??/ how do you really get that dream body you have always wanted.??? likeee howw??????
Should i??
Should i count carbs even though i dont think im getting that much and im eating healthy like im eating fish nuts seeds beans ect.. is it really necessary???
Changing your lifestyle
Hi everyone im new to this sight i joined it because i want support through this journey and watching other people make amazing changes not only to their health But when your healthy it changes your body. I have Started eating only healthy foods but i have a cheat day every know and than Some days it gets hard to say im…