Whats everyones reasoning?!?!?!

Whats everyone's top reason for losing weight??? And also add me and Please inbox me your Weight Story Thank you all :)


  • Nebrie
    Nebrie Posts: 56 Member
    I have several. It's like it all culminated and finally I said enough is enough. There was no one thing that made me undertake this journey.

    I've always been fat. I've never had the expectation in my head to be anything else but fat. The ONE time I was skinny (exiting boot camp) I was very uncomfortable with myself and promptly put on 20 pounds.

    Reason 1: I knew something had to change when the size I needed to wear wasn't even on the plus size rack. I had no choice but to go to specialty shops.
    Reason 2: My husband and I were going on a 2nd honeymoon. I had to get a seat belt extender on the airplane. I couldn't ask. I was lucky I didn't cry. My husband asked for me. Blessed man.
    Reason 3: I recently got my nursing license and I found that I was not strong enough to help move my patients.

    Those are the top 3 reasons but there are several others. Painful ones I will not mention here. I can barely speak those reasons to myself much less to others.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    I have two kids. I'm 30. I was in fabulous shape pre babies. Knew if I did't do it now, it would only get harder with age. Both my parents are obese. I only had 20 lb to lose. Get it under control now before I end up Sith more than 20 to lose!
  • lmd71
    lmd71 Posts: 11
    Went through anorexia, finally gained and binged my way up to near overweight. I need to eat HEALTHY. Not binge OR starve. Plus, I really hate how I look and feel
  • Because I feel like crap. I just had my second baby and I want to be able to keep up with them and be a good example.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    I've been fat all of my life, with the exception of my late teens, early twenties. I'm 43 now, and for the last 20 years I have slowly put on weight. On average, about 5 lbs a year. Not enough that I noticed any real difference from year to year. But 20 years at 5 lbs a year, and I'm 100 lbs overweight. I stay tired all of the time, depression and anxiety are worse when you're overweight. Besides, I just look like a fat slob. 20 lbs down so far, only 80 to go!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    i love to eat... so i need to put those calories to use and build some muscle or else il be a fatty like when i was younger.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    #1-Going on a cruise in April for my 10 year anniversary.
    #2-My daughter telling me I had a big butt and looked like I had a baby in my belly all in the same week.
    #3-I realized I have been the same weight/shape since having my oldest daughter 7 years ago. I am no longer using my kids as an excuse. They are both in school and I now have time for ME. I want to see what my body CAN look like after kids. I haven't taken the time/effort to do this.
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    To look and feel great

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
