Where are all my fellow Superheroes at?
Middle-Aged former Trainer turned Superhero addict needs more Powered Individuals to form Justice League!! (Or Avengers/X-Men). I'm not Picky. :D Qualifications: Incredible Motivation! Outstanding Dedication! Supreme Willingness to Fight the Evil Lord of Body Fat!!! I know you're out there! :) B)
All About Nutrient Timing (Long Article)
Another thing I see regularly on the forums is people who are cutting their calories, but are stuck as to why they're not getting the results they expect. Often people will respond "Watch your Sodium" or "Drink more water". More likely however, it's types of food that we're selecting throughout the day that enhance or…
A Calorie is a Calorie - Lost Weight Eating Anything
Such a great blog post in today from Coach Calorie that I had to come pass it on. I've seen so many people completely miss the mark focusing too much on counting the number of calories, with no thought at all given to the QUALITY of calories. "A Calorie is a Calorie – Lose Weight Eating Anything - Written by Coach Calorie…
Sprint the Fat Away!
Shorter workouts, faster results. Yet another reason to ditch your stale, old cardio routine for HIIT HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, alternates all-out bouts of sprinting with slower bouts of recovery, pushing your metabolism higher and for longer than traditional training. While there is still some value in…
Fitness Tips to Help you Achieve Success
Hey friends, The following is from another great blog post from "Coach Calorie (@CoachCalorie on Twitter)". Most people tend to make things far too difficult for themselves and set themselves up for failure. A simple list of tips and reminders, focusing on a new one each day is a great way to stay on track with your…
Five Steps to Looking Good Naked
Hey friends, I was looking through my fitness archives today and remembered the following article which is a great read for guidelines on how to set-up your diet. I see many people on here focusing really hard on counting calories, but with little to no attention given to where those calories are coming from (I.e. Food…
10 Simple Habits for Fat Loss
Hey friends: Here's another one from the "What you eat is just as important as how much you eat" archives. If you're stalled in your results, take a look at the quality of the food choices you're making and your daily habits. You might find it's just a simple change to get amazing results! Cheers! 10 Simple Habits for Fat…
Weight Loss vs Fat Loss
Hey Friends! Below is another recent post from Coach Calorie, who runs a Health and Fitness Blog. Although I don't agree 100% with his suggestions 100% of the time, I would say that 95% of the time he's right on the money with helpful and well laid out ideas. Far too often, I see people who are obsessed with the numbers on…
Six Pack Abs – How To Get Them
Hey Folks! Below is a great article from Coach Calorie's fitness blog. Really outlines some of the key guidelines in burning fat! Check it out! How To Get Six Pack Abs - By Coach Calorie Everyone wants to have six pack abs, but the majority of people will never have them. It’s not your genetics that are to blame. Everyone…
Energy Drinks and Young Athletes
A colleague of mine shared this with me this morning. It's a great Article from the USA Today on the potential dangers of Energy Drinks.! Cheers! http://www.usatoday.com/sports/story/2011-12-01/young-athletes-and-energy-drinks-a-bad-mix/51556148/1
Top 5 Fitness Myths To Set You Straight
The following article was in my Twitter feed the other day and thought it would be worth sharing here since these are things I've seen people worry about on here time and time again. Thanks to @CoachCalorie for sharing. Number 5 Stands out the most as to what I see on here all the time. Remember, losing FAT and losing…
You Are What You Eat
Hello folks. A colleague of mine (Michelle Helmessy: The Athlete Factory) posted this on her fitness Blog and thought I would share it here. So many people seem to pay little if any attention to their food choices, focusing only on calorie counting and not calorie quality. Your body can only produce cells based on the fuel…
De-Clutter Your Mind
These Forums can be overwhelming for many and it's often a challenge to distinguish left from right when every question asked is going to recieve 20 different answers (None of which can be considered wrong when people share what worked for them). The challenge is, how do you educate yourself to learn what really works for…
Limit Protein to 20g Per Meal?
Interesting article about Protein Metabolism and Muscle Synthesis. Bottom Line: Timing your protein intake regularly through the day keeps your Protein Synthesis and Metabolism functioning at Optimum Efficiency for Peak Performance Article" Limit Protein to 20g Per Meal? by John M Berardi, November 4th, 2009. Two recent…
Omega-3s Help Protein Synthesis
Good Afternoon Friends! I've seen numerous articles and studies on this recently, but this is one of the best which sums it all up nicely with some definitive benefits I'm sure we'd all love! Omega-3s Help Protein Synthesis by Helen Kollias, July 22nd, 2011. Summary: Omega-3 fatty acids are important for overall health —…
Fast vs. Slow Whey for Protein Synthesis
Recieved the following interesting research article in my mail this morning. Another study that confirms the importance of Post-Workout Nutrition for Optimal recovery. Does Speed Of Absorption Matter for Muscle-Building? - by Helen Kollias, September 16th, 2011. Summary: Whey protein digests quickly while casein digests…
All About Post-Workout Nutrition
Every day I see a new post from people asking about protein shakes, workout recovery, what to eat after a workout and such, with numerous responses that range from "Down 100 grams of protein, to "You don't need anything at all". With this in mind, I thought I would share the following article to assist those with questions…
Science behind Drinking Ice Water to Burn Calories
Ice water won't replace a healthy diet, but it will burn a few extra Calories. If you simply want to know if your body burns calories warming up the water, the answer is "Yes". But if you want to know if drinking a lot of ice water can help you lose weight, or keep weight off, this "yes" needs to be qualified. First of…
Food Processing: A Calorie ISN'T A Calorie
There is a general thinking among these board that all you need to do is reduce your calories and you'll lose weight. While that may be partly true, what is most often omitted is any thought to the Type of foods we eat (and people wonder why they're not getting results). What they're missing out on is the Thermal Effect of…
How to Look Good Naked
The following guidlines were in a blog message I recieved today from Precision Nutrition, a leading source for Sport and Performance Nutrition created by Dr John Berardi. In an interview, he broke down "looking good naked" into 5 basic nutritional guidelines: "Looking good naked doesn’t need to be as complicated as…
Are you Getting Enough Omega-3?
While Low-Fat and Non-Fat tend to have alot of popularity in people cutting calories, what's more important is the TYPE of fats that we're getting, and that we're getting them from healthy sources. For Fat Loss, its been shown that Fish Oil (Omega 3) provides a healthy metabolic boost to assist in regular fat metabolism,…
5 Questions for Fat Loss
Time and time again, I see people on the boards wondering why they're not making any progress despite significantly cutting back their calories. The truth is, calorie cutting is just One aspect of your eating, and if you're choosing the wrong type of foods, you won't be changing your body in the ways you want to be. The…
All About Fat Loss
Another of the topics I see regularly on the forums is from people who really don't understand the principles of Weight loss (more properly known as FAT Loss). There is often this focus of 1200 Calories being a magic number with little to no attention being given to the quality of food being eaten along with the entire…
Simple Habits for Fat Loss
Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss hard by trying to learn and do too much at once. It’s “all or nothing” at its worst, and it leads to a staggeringly high rate of failure. Being successful is a matter of understanding how change…