10 Simple Habits for Fat Loss

Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey friends: Here's another one from the "What you eat is just as important as how much you eat" archives. If you're stalled in your results, take a look at the quality of the food choices you're making and your daily habits. You might find it's just a simple change to get amazing results!


10 Simple Habits for Fat Loss - by Dr John Berardi - Precision Nutrition

Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss hard by trying to learn and do too much at once. It’s “all or nothing” at its worst, and it leads to a staggeringly high rate of failure.

Being successful is a matter of understanding how change really happens. You see, successful, lasting change only happens by introducing new habits/behaviors slowly — and only when an individual is truly confident they can do them. So, if you Don't want to be part of the 98% that fail at fat loss, check out the following:

Below is a list of proven habits and behaviors that willl help you lose fat. What do you do with them? Simple: first, read through them and choose One habit to follow for the next 14 days or so. Pick whichever one seems easiest for you.

Once you choose, ask yourself the following question: “On a scale of 1-10, how confident am I that I can do this habit every day for the next 14 days?” If the answer is a 9 or a 10, you can get started on that habit.

However, if your answer is less than a 9, either choose a different habit or make your chosen habit easier until you’re really confident you can do it. For example, instead of exercising 30 minutes a day, could you do 15? How about 5? Give yourself permission to make it easier and easier on yourself until you’re at least 9/10 on the confidence scale. Then do it.

Remember, this is about truly being honest with yourself. Forget about what you think you should be able to do; what can you do, right now? In my experience, to be truly confident (which is what separates those who succeed from those who fail), people need to start with one, quick, easy habit each day.

1. Exercise for 30 minutes
2. Take fish oil and a multivitamin at breakfast
3. Drink at least 8 cups of water
4. Eat at least 4 one-cup servings of vegetables
5. Sleep at least 8 hours (including naps and night-time sleep)
6. During each meal, stop eating when 80% full
7. Twice during the work day, get up and do 5 minutes of muscle stretching
8. Eat 4 – 5 meals. (People who eat less frequently are more inclined to binge at mealtimes)
9. Eat lean protein with each meal
10. Replace grains with greens during each meal

These 10 habits should give you a great start on the fat loss process. But remember the rules. Don’t try to pile them all on at once. Begin by choosing only one new habit that you’re confident you can do for 14 days. Then do it, adding new habits only after you’ve mastered the first one.

And here’s another key tip. As you adopt each new habit, it's ok to leave everything else the same. Sure, if you’re feeling particularly ambitious one day and you want to try a few new things, that’s OK.

However, take my word. You can’t do it all at once, every day. But the good news is you don’t have to!

So just let go of that expectation right now. Instead, pick one proven behavior to start with. The same way you would learn math, or learn to talk, or learn anything, you’re going to learn to get in shape.


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