what do I call it???
I have 2 workout dvd's that I just got. One is Richard Simmons Tonin to the Oldies. It combines dance and it has the toning cords .He calls it Circut training, combining cardio with strength training. I noticed there is a listing in the database for circut training so I could use that. I guess. The other one is Joel…
gazzelle or health walker
Does anyone use these machines? I just got one and can't figure out how to log the exercise. what should I put it under. If I chose walking it would hav eto be at a pertty good pace to match. Help I need Ideas
Has anyone used it, whats the scoop and does it help?
how do I add
I have a Tony Little Easy Shaper resistance pole that has the rubber with the foot holds. Like resistance bands but better. My question is how do I add this strength/resistance workout to my strength training. I typed in several things but it only seems to want weights no other forms please help
adding strength training
I have a question, as I said above I have a Tony Little Easy Shaper, Consists of a long bar and strong bands that have foot straps. The exercises are reps of curls, shoulder,arm leg lifts and the such. How do I add this to my strength training? I tried several things and it comes up with nothing.Not sure how to add it to…
Hi Looking for some info. does anyone know anything about Aqua Zumba? I saw that there are classes in my area (Milwaukee WI) I think it sounds like fun. $3 a class is cheap enough. Maybe once a week? Let me know if anyone is an Aqua Zumbie
I am 55, diabetic, 4heart stents, hypo thyroid, post menapausal for over 20 yrs. I am on 13-14 meds a day. Iam sick of being unable to loose. My goal is 20 pounds in the first stage. I have a stationary bike and will ride it 30 min a day 3-4 times a week.