It's almost comical how lazy I've felt over the past week. I've not lost any motivation to reach my target weight; though, my actions of late would indicate otherwise. I can't bring myself to workout. So, my question for you all is what are some ways that you get yourself refocused to doing what you need to do? Whether…
Since making an effort to get fit, has there been anything you've come to realize that you didn't know beforehand? Fitness related or life related...
I don't have this problem anymore because I'm using Oxy instead of Noxema, which has always worked well for my face -- that is until I started working out. Hence, the switch. Have any of you had nagging acne at any point which forced you to experiment with a different cleanser? Are you still having trouble controlling it?
The other day I tried on a pair of jeans I still have from before my huge weight gain years ago. Idk why, but I have them. They're a size 40. They're a little snug, although, not tight in the waist. I was a huge sense if accomplishment. So ready to ged rid of all my size 48s.
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I found this place on google and figured it'd be cool to converse with others who are trying to get fit. Weight-wise I'm half way to my target weight, which is 200lbs. I've already lost 40lbs. It's great stepping on the scale and seeing a lesser number than the previous time I stepped…