Just curious what other people like to snack on while dieting. My favorites are... Apples and peanut butter Special K tomato and herb crackers 100 calorie butter popcorn Yoplait whips yogurt Any 100 calorie rite bites (especially cheeze-its :) Weight Watcher 2 point brownies
I have found that buying myself new workout clothes helps me stay motivated. Like bying new running shoes or jogging pants really helps me want to go exercise. I know it's not the cheapest motivater, but it's so rewarding...what motivates you?
Why is water so important when your dieting. I know it helps you feel full..but does it do anything else?
How often do you weigh yourself? I weigh my self like 3 times a day and I'm thinking it's a little too much. I think maybe it's discouraging me because I gain a few pounds throughout the day and it makes me upset. What do you think?