1460 Days (4 Years) Today
Four years ago (1460 days) I started this lifestyle change on myfitnesspal. Started at 209 lbs. Got down to 140 lbs and have returned to 163 lbs. Would like to get back down to at least 151 and stay at that point. What have I learned over the time? 1) I can do this. 2) Don't always look for LBS to drop look for inches too.…
Sportline Heart Rate + Calorie Monitor
Confusion has set in since I bought this two weeks ago! I have heard that you need to run the monitor a few times before it so called calibrates itself. But, I do two hour workouts on the weekends and the calories burned has varied so much! MFP says I burned 1052 calories and the HR+CA Monitor says 2131....anyone know why…
Personal Advice
Oh my...Dear Abby has passed away. Guess I'm going to have to rely on MFP for more than fitness advice! http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/showbiz/dear-abby-pauline-phillips-obit/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
Spartan Race - Calories
So I am doing this on Saturday. http://www.spartanrace.com/gulf-coast-obstacle-racing-spartan-sprint-2012.html Cannot wear my Fitbit as it will get wet. Not going to be a typical run outside.... So how will I determine my calories for it?
Healthy Eating Quote of the Day
So, when it comes to eating healthy, it's just doing the right thing. And it's not something you have to do 365 days a year, but I think it's something you have to do 25 days a month. Let's put it that way. Mike Ditka
Spartan Race - Mississippi
Anyone ever done one? http://www.spartanrace.com/ I am seriously thinking of it but am a bit hesitant...worried about possibly making an azz out of myself.
Hurricane Isaac
Things in Ocean Springs, MS are not terrible. Rains are continuing, wind gusts have been around 30-35 mph winds...my estimate...and flooding in the typical high rain flooding areas. Wondering how others in the line in Hurricane Isaac are doing.
I <3 to Run....
I found this to be a very inspiring article.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=436346389741568&set=a.113862488656628.5470.113859451990265&type=1&theater
Cheat Days
How many of you really do this? What do you consider a cheating day? I have heard some say it is a day they eat anything they want. But do you log it in? If you log it in is it cheating? For me a cheat day was eating more than my daily calories +exercise calories...however, I have always made up the difference during the…
Food Weight
When weighing food, meat, for calorie count is it done before cooking or after??
Coming up on one year (1/26/11) with MFP
I hope this works. I never did any full body shots as I was too embarrassed and did not really think it would work! [ IMG ] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/405629_10150445261764492_576174491_8922590_793745407_n.jpg [ IMG ] Don