People who work out with clothes on
I can't understand why people would wear clothes while working out. It really upsets me so much!!
Pepsi Special Sold In Japan Claims To Block Fat
http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2012/11/12/pepsi-special-sold-in-japan-claims-to-block-fat/ Unlike the Pepsi bought in the USA, the Japanese will be able to buy something called Pepsi Special. It contains an additive called Dextrin, a fat-blocking fiber that is supposed to keep the body from absorbing fat and lower…
Another day in LC hell
Oh wait, it's fantastic. Todays breakfast - 4 eggs, 1tbsp cream, 1 oz Jarlsberg cheese dip - mixed in blender and cooked to medium(slightly runny). Topped with chives, hot sauce, and 2oz blanco cheese. 2 dabs of sour cream for kicks. A little calorie heavy at 700 but ohhhhh so good.
Got annoyed and bored of the main forum
The ignorance of people running around with their fingers in their ears is STAGGERING on the main forums. What I don't get is how vitriolic they are over their carbs. Somehow people lowcarbing makes them quite butthurt. I found some nice light reading if yall care. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22735432 CONCLUSION:…
Let me tell you what you are doing wrong
Anything you are eating that I am not eating? It's wrong. Anything you are doing that I am not doing? It's wrong. Ok, that sums up most threads here. I say this with love!
NSV - scale goes up pants fall off
The last two months have been particularly trying with some family issues and the diet hasn't been all too strict. I have made it a point to funnel all of my frustrations out at the gym. My jeans I bought two months ago were tight, they were falling off over the weekend at a corn maze. Today I was drying off and my arms…
30 minutes a day is just as or more effective than 60
I know this is a month ago, but I don't remember seeing the crapstorm over it so enjoy: http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/11695/20120823/30-minutes-exercise-sheds-more-pounds-than-1-hour-training.htm The study, published in the American Journal of Physiology, found those who ran, rowed or bicycled for half an hour a day…
Sup bro
Sup bro?! Every time I see a gym rat saying bro every 5 words, I can only think of this cartoon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-fuV0UjwE
Steak and eggs
Best breakfast ever, just sayin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYnl_c4ns5A