Chicken Recipes
I know there are a ton of recipes on here but I need something quick and easy yet tasty and low calorie! I only have 2-3 chicken breasts to work with and I dont have time to use the crock pot. Help?
Brussel Sprouts!
I need help making these taste yummy! GO.
Cancelling my gym membership
So I have decided that I will need to cancel my gym membership as recent circumstances will not allow me to go and my gym doesn't allow children under 15 to be there or offer child care. So I am looking for in home activities that I can do or videos that people suggest. I don't have internet either so it would have to be…
Garcinia Cambogias
Just curious if anyone has tried this or thoughts on it?
I just bought my first package last night because I would like to try it...however, I do not know how to prepare it or even know what to do with it. Any suggestions/recipes or help would be appreciated.
Not new but renewed!
Looking for friends to add to my friend list as I need motivators! If you feel up for the challenge please add me. I would love it.
favorite meals/snacks? Recipes welcome!
I am in seach of healthy snacks/meals as I am getting bored with what I have around. Suggestions? Recipes? Whatever you got I will take.
Feels like I am starving....
I dont know what it is but I am feeling hungry lately. I have my coffee and oatmeal about 8:30am. I have a snack about 11 usually greek yogurt, blackberries and a little bit of honey. But I try to wait until 1:30 to each lunch because I have to work until 4:30 and that makes a long time before dinner if I eat earlier than…
Feels like Im slipping
So I got back from my vacation and I have these over eating moments of things. I feel like I am not eating enough and thats why I all of a sudden do this. Then I feel horrible (sick to my stomach) and guilty after having a over eatting moment. The things are not horrible but its over my daily allowance. I just need…
Vacationing....means away from my comfort zone, my gym, my m
So I will be going on a vacation soon.....Not going to be able to get into the gym as much as I have been. Not going to be able to measure all my foods and scared of making the wrong choices!! Any help would be appreciated.
Mexican Restaurant Options
So I am going to a new restaurant tomorrow and I am watching my carbs, protein and fat along with calories. Any suggestions of what to eat? I know rice is horrible for carbs along with chips but I want to be able to enjoy something so any suggestions will be appreciated.
Need help with a low carb but high Protein meal options....
I met with a Personal trainer on saturday and she suggested that to lose weight I increase my protein and decrease my carbs as carbs turns into sugars. She also gave me a 4-6 week workout plan. I am excited to do this I just have run into a issue of things I can eat! Any help or advice or even recipes will be greatly…
Hello a little later than planned!
So I am not new to using MFP however, I am very late in introducing myself! So here I go...I am 31 years old and a mother to a 6 year old boy! I love using this site and have found it very very helpful. I have even introduced it to my friends!