Feels like Im slipping

So I got back from my vacation and I have these over eating moments of things. I feel like I am not eating enough and thats why I all of a sudden do this. Then I feel horrible (sick to my stomach) and guilty after having a over eatting moment. The things are not horrible but its over my daily allowance. I just need motivation or something to get me back on track!! Erghhh! Any help?


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Vacations are diet killers.

    Portion out your meals evenly and plan it out for the week. this might help you get back on track.
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    think back to why you started this weight loss journey and write down all the reasons. Put this lsit on your fridge and carry a copy with you. When you feel you are going to eat something unhealthy, pull out your list and read it out loud.

    We all go through this at some point. It's good that you wrote it out. You can get back on track! Just beleive in yourself!

  • don't sweat it. just get back on track. go back to what was working for you . keep logging in and be aware of what you're eating. :) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Hang in there! A year and 93 lbs later, I still go through these kind of weeks. I know I will go through them and.... I know that I will come out of them. Minimize your damage. Maybe up your calories to your max allowed to allow for this without gaining. Then lower them a little at a time until you are in the range that you want to be in again. Whatever you do, just never give up.

    A bad day does not have to be a bad week, a bad week does not have to be a bad month, a bad month does not have to be a bad year! Take it one day at a time with your sites on the big picture.

    If I can do it, ANYONE can do it. I was the queen of LAZY, master of EXCUSES, well trained in SELF DOUBT and BAD HABITS. If I can break the cycle, you can!
  • jhaugdc
    jhaugdc Posts: 3 Member
    Julie! i agree with most of these people, take it one day at a time and know that one bad day doesn't ruin it and does not take you off your journey. you have come a long way and have done a lot of hard work to get here so far. Once this week is over with and you start your next 6 week challenge you will see some amazing things happen! keep the faith and if you fall off one day get right back on the next, each day is a decision you can decide to do something about it today. your health is in your hands and yours alone.