So, I've self-diagnosed myself with a possible hernia. Dull pain in the lower abdomen that extends into both groins. It's irritating but not always painful. I went to the doctor and I have an ultrasound soon to confirm. If it is a hernia and I have to have surgery, how long before I'm 100%?
This time of year my semi-annual weigh-in / tape-in for work is complete and I do not have to worry about it until spring of next year. This normally leads to 2 months of overeating and many adult beverages leading into the New Year. Start of the New Year, I usually step on the scale and start stressing and killing myself…
So, here's a brief version of my why I'm here. I'm about to hit my 14 year mark. I've played the weight game from MCRD San Diego to OCS Quantico to present. I've always ran a 275 or above on the PFT and never been assigned to BCP or been out of regs on a weigh-in. Why? Because like many Marines I take extreme measures…