Okay everybody, I've been away ...
in Agape. Travellin' through the many layers of fitness. Still doing my daily bike rides, everybody else? Hope everyone is fine in fitness and health, oh what wealth. Sometimes I write in rhyme but I try to do so sparingly as I know its not always good. Great Health to You!
If your body is ...
the temple, sculpt it, If your heart's the alter, open it If your brains the strain, jnana yoga may be your ticket If your soul is the source, of course, stay on it. Stay tuned for the sequel, surely its equal, Good WILL Hunting, Great WILL Finding. Comes to my mind that, the power of Will is a much deeper "will power," or…
Hope we all ...
chat a bit, where is everybody? Been busy looking into writing on the 'net, talking my current favorite three topics up a bit, putting a few of my "sayings" in frames and offering them at a crafts show, we'll see what go ...es. Anybody else? Take good care everyone, please stop by!
Anyone want to ...
converse about biking, single speed bike, riding hard --- increased heart rate, breathing techniques, staying alert out there while riding early in the morning, associated weight loss, time to let whatever come to mind while out there riding, anything else that comes to mind in regards to fitness, endurance, agility, that…
Terminology and where it takes me, 1st Go-round
It's come to mind to toss some definitions out here for a common reference for all of us. I like the ability to be able to express well, sometimes intensely other times with humor, laughing is good! OK here we go ... then I'd like to discuss them, take them and us to a common or our own individual understanding ... Fitness…
Measuring what matters
Good afternoon everybody! Not saying that what is mentioned here is all that matters, not by a far shot. I am saying that I have begun to measure what matters to me so I can understand my progress. As I mentioned in my daily routine post, I have a target for heart rate, found it here on the 'net. It is between 140 to 145…